Earlier this year I completed my Spring semester for the community college I’ve been attending for a year now. I have since declared my major in English. I love writing and this past Spring semester, I took a poetry class – because, frankly, why the hell not? And it kicked my fucking ass…but it turns out I’m a pretty decent poet. I don’t know that poetry is my new “calling”, or even that I want it to be, but I wrote, to say it as eloquently as I know how, “some pretty dope shit” over those few months. I think I’m slowly adding poet to my list of subtitles and to my identity as a writer.
“Fucking Bullshit” was my final for this poetry class. And I worked so fucking hard on it. It’s a chapbook, and even though I’ve made and printed one, and am now technically an independently published writer, I still have no fucking clue what a chapbook is. The gist is that it’s meant to be an accumulation of the writer’s work and, well, of my work. Daunting, but also validating. I’m fucking proud of this book. It’s a huge (but honestly pretty short) compilation of my best work from this class. I’m a published writer. I’d never written poetry before and I’d never felt so accomplished holding a stack of yellow, stapled papers, but here is, quite literally, my child.
I worked hard for this shit. I worked hard to create this. But it’s done. And it’s only proved to me that my love of writing is real. That I am a writer.
I hope you like it. This is the truest version of myself.
PDF link: Fucking Bullshit by Alicia Wilson